Yıllara Göre Tarih

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Video / Yıllara Göre Tarih / AVRUPA


Alexander — Mutiny at Opis
The Conquests of Alexander the Great / Every Month
Conquests of Alexander the Great (336-323)
Alexander the Great — Battle of the Hydaspes 326 BC
Alexander the Great (All Parts)

Alexander the Great takes power — World History — Khan Academy
Alexander the Great conquers Persia — World History — Khan Academy
Diadochi and the Hellenistic Period — World History — Khan Academy

Empire of Alexander the Great
The Rise and Fall of the Macedonian Empire
Why did the Macedonian Empire Collapse?
Rise & Fall of Macedonian Empire (Alexander the Great)
History of Macedonia, part 1, the Rise of Macedonia
History of Macedonia, part 2, the Wars of Diadochi
History of Macedonia, part 3, Antigonid Macedonia
Ptolemaic Kingdom

AI KHANOUM / Hellenistic City in Afghanistan
AI KHAONUM / A Hellenistic City on the Bank of River Oxus in Afghanistan
Hellenism in the East / Indo-Greeks & The Thousand Cities of Bactria
Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek Kingdoms
Seleucid Empire
The Seleucid Empire
The Macedonian Empire in Asia From the Diadochi to Bactria
What Happened to the Greek Settlers in Ancient India and Pakistan?

Ancient Macedonia
Hellenic Macedonia
Hellenistic Greece [and Diadochi states]

The Macedonian Phalanx / Structure and Organization
Il sogno di Alessandro

The History of Anatolia / Every Year

The Rise and Fall of Austria or the Habsburg Empire (Österreich)
The House of Habsburg

The Austro-Prussian War
The Austro-Prussian War / Every Day
The Collapse of Austria-Hungary / Every Day
The Rise and Fall of Austria and Prussia
War of the Spanish Succession [France, Austuria] / Every Week
Austrian Empire / Austria-Hungary
Rise and Fall of the Austrian Empire
Rise and Fall of Burgundy
Ten Minute History — The Austro-Hungarian Empire (Short Documentary)

The History of the Balkan Peninsula
The Balkan Wars 1912-1913 / Every Day
The History of the Balkans / Every Year

Barbarians / The Alans
Barbarians / The Avars
Barbarians / The Burgundians
Barbarians / The Goths
Barbarians / The Huns
Barbarians / The Lombards
Barbarians / The Suevi
Barbarians / The Vandals
The Rise and Fall of the Frankish Empire

Rise and Fall of the British Empire (v2)
The History of the British Isles / Every Year
History of Bulgaria / Every Year
The Rise and Fall of the Bulgarian Empire
Rise and Fall of the Danish Empire
Rise and Fall of the Dutch Empire (v2)

The History of Europe / Every Year
History of Europe (3000 BC-2013 AD)
History of Europe (1-2016) / Every year
The History of European Monarchs / Part 1 (1000-1499)
The History of European Monarchs / Part 2 (1500-2016)

The History of Eastern Europe / Every Year
The History of Northern Europe / Every Year
The History of Western Europe / Every Year
History of Europe and North Africa / Every Year
3800 Jahre Mitteleuropa im Zeitraffer
Die Grenzen Europas 1000-2013
The Countries of EUROPE at Their GREATEST extent
Changing the Map of Europe Back to 1815
The Rulers of Europe Every Year

500 Years of European Colonialism
European Colonial Empires 1492-2008
European colonization of Africa / Every Year

History of France (987-2016) / Every Year
History of the French Colonial Empire
The History of France / Every Year
Rise of the French Royal Domain
The Napoleonic Wars / Every Other Day

The History of Georgia
History of Georgia [1300BC-2018AD] / Every Year

History of the Germans
History of Germany / Every Year
The History of German Empire / Every Month
The Unifications of Germany and Italy / Every Day
History of Prussia / Every Year
The Rise and Fall of Prussia (Preußen)

History of Germany / Every year
Brandenburg and Prussia
Brandenburg and Prussia - Version 2.0
German Confederation and German Unification
German Unification / 3 Minute History
History of Germany (1816-2018)
History of Prussia — Part One
History of Prussia/Germany
How did Prussia Unify Germany German Unification — Explained in 10 Minutes
Prussian History — Part I, Beginnings in Brandenburg
Ten Minute History — German Unification and Empire (Short Documentary)

The Holy Roman Empire Every State, Every Year

The History of the Greeks
Hungarian Revolution of 1848
History of Hungary / Every Year
The Rise and Fall of the Hunnic Empire / Every Year
The History of Iberia / Every Year
History of Italy (477-2017)
History of the Italians
Italian Civil war (1943-1945)
The History of the Netherlands / Every Year

Expansion of the Ottoman Empire
Fall Of Constantinople 1453 / Ottoman Wars
Fall of Constantinople / Reply History
History of [Ottoman Empire and] Turkey / Every Year
Ottoman and Venetian Rule in Greece (1453-1821)
Ottoman Invasion of Italy
Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire
The Campaigns of Muhammad Ali of Egypt
The Crimean War / Every Week
The Great Turkish War / Every Five Days
The Greco-Turkish War
The History of Ottoman Empire / Every Year
The Italo-Turkish War / Every Day
The Liberation of the Balkan Peoples from the Ottomans
Ottoman Empire (Better version in description)
The Ottoman-Mamluk War (1516-1517) / Every Fortnight
The Young Turks Revolution / Every Day
Map of Ottoman Empire (1300-1920 [+ today])

How an OTTOMAN Sultan Helped Ireland During the Great FAMINE?
Ottoman Sultans Family Tree (1299-1922)
What if the Ottoman Empire Reunited Today?
Why did The Ottoman Empire Collapse?
Why did the Ottoman Sultans Kill their Brothers?
Ottoman-Venetian War
Ottoman Empire vs Great Britain (Anglo-Turkish War 1807)
Ten Minute History / The Rise of the Ottoman Empire
Ten Minute History / The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Birth of the Balkans
The Rise Of The Ottoman Empire
When the Ottoman Caliphate Saved Britain
Battle of Ankara 1402 / Ottoman-Timurid War
Battle of Varna 1444 / Ottoman Civil War — Crusade

History of Poland / Every Year
History of Poland 1635-2016
Rise and Fall of the Portuguese Empire (v2)
The History of the Romans / Every Year
Roman [Republic and] Empire (Better Version in Description)
Animated Maps of the Roman Empire (Audio Narration The Map as History)
The History of Romania / Every Year

History of Russia / Every Year
History of Russia [882- 2018] / Every Year
Rise and Fall of the Russian Empire (v2)
The Russian Civil War / Every Other Day
The Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japanese War / Every Day
History of U.S.S.R. / Every Year
U.S.S.R. History (1922-1991) AND Russia F. (1991-2017)

The Soviet Union / Every Year

History of Serbia / Every Year
History of Serbia and Bulgaria [681-1496]
Early Western Slavic History
History of the Slavs / Every Year
Early Slavic History / Origins
Spanish Civil War / Every Day
Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire
The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire
History of Sweden / Every Year
Rise and Fall of the Swedish Empire
History of Switzerland / Every Year
The Thirty Years' War / Every Fortnight

History of Turkey / Every Year
The Turkish War of Independence / Every Day
The Turkish Wars of Independence / Every Day
The Russo-Turkish War (1828-1829)
The Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878)
The Russo-Turkish Wars

Alexander — Mutiny at Opis

Alexander — Mutiny at Opis (LINK)

İskender’in Konuşması

İskender’in Konuşması
8. Opis’e ulaşınca, Makedonyalı askerlerini topladı ve yaşları ya da sakatlıkları nedeniyle daha öte hizmet için uygun olmayan tüm adamların ordudan çıkarıldığını bildirdi. Onları ülkelerine gönderdi. Yola çıkarken her birine dostlarını ve akrabalarını kıskandıracak ve geri kalan Makedonyalıları gelecekte onların emeklerini ve tehlikelerini paylaşmak için heyecanlandıracak şeyler için söz verdi. İskendonatımıylader kendi payına bu sözlerle hiç kuşkusuz adamlarını hoşnut etmeyi amaçlıyordu. Makedonyalılar ise daha şimdiden hizmetlerini küçümsediğini ve onları bir savaş için bütünüyle yararsız gördüğünü duyumsadılar. Böylece, bütünüyle doğal olarak, sözlerini yalnızca bütün sefer boyunca duygularını incitmek için yaptıklarının — örneğin Pers giysilerini benimsemesi, Doğulu “Ardıllar”ın Makedonya kuşandırılması, ve Yoldaşlar süvarisine yabancı askerlerin katılması gibi — bir başka örneği olarak gördüler ve içerlediler. Sonuçta konuşmayı saygılı bir sessizlik içinde dinlemek yerine, kendilerini tutamayarak, ordudaki herkesin çıkarılmasını istediler ve acı bir şaka olarak sonraki seferinde yanına babasını alabileceğini eklediler — ki, görünürde tanrı Ammon’u demek istiyorlardı.

İskender bunları işitince çok kızdı. O sıralar saygısızlığa fazla alınır olmuştu, ve alıştığı Doğulu boyun eğme tutumu Makedonyalılara karşı eski açık yürekli tutumunu büyük ölçüde değiştirmişti. Çevresindeki subaylar ile platformdan sıçradı, parmağı ile kalabalığı karıştırmış olanların en önünde olanları göstererek muhafızlardan onları tutuklamalarını istedi. Bunlar on üç kişiydi, ve tümünün idam edilmeleri buyruğunu verdi.1 Ürkütücü bir sessizlik oldu. İskender bir kez daha kürsüye çıkarak askerlerine seslendi.

9. “Makedonyalılar, şimdi duyduğunuz yurt özleminizi durdurma gibi bir amaçla konuşmayacağım. Nereye isterseniz gidin, sizi engellemeyeceğim. Ama bilin ki, eğer böyle gidecek olursanız, bir şeyi anlamanızı istiyorum — bize nasıl davrandığınızı, ve bizim size nasıl davrandığımızı. Öyleyse size ilkin babam Filip’ten söz edeceğim, çünkü bunu yapmam gerekiyor. Filip sizleri başı boş dolaşan yoksul bir kabile olarak buldu. Çoğunuz postlar giyiyor, dağ yamaçlarında birkaç koyun otlatıyor ve onları komşularınız Trakyalılar, İllyrialılar ve Triballialılardan uzak tutmak için başarısız döğüşler veriyordunuz. Postlar yerine giymeniz için size giysiler verdi; sizi dağlardan ovalara indirdi; size sınırlarınızda düşmanlarınızla eşit koşullarda döğüşmeyi öğretti, ta ki güvenliğinizin bir zamanlar olduğu gibi köylerinizin doğal gücünde değil, ama kendi yiğitliğinizde olduğunu anlayıncaya dek. Sizleri kentli yaptı; size iyi yasalar ve töreler getirerek sizi uygarlaştırdı. Sizi boyun eğdiğiniz kabilelere, sizi ve mallarınızı yağmalayan insanlara kul ve köle olmaktan kurtardı. Sizi onlara efendi yaptı. Trakya’nın büyük bölümünü Makedonya’ya kattı, kıyıdaki en iyi yerleri ele geçirerek ülkenizi tecime açtı, ve saldırı korkusu olmaksızın barış içinde madenlerinizi işletmenizi sağladı.1 Şimdiye dek size rahatsızlık vermiş ve sizi korkudan dehşete düşürmüş Thessaly’yi sizin egemenliğiniz altına getirdi ve Fokislileri küçük düşürerek Yunanistan’ın dar ve zorlu yolunu geniş ve kolay bir yola çevirdi.2 Bizi yıllardır devirmek için şanslarını kollayan Atina ve Thebes’i öylesine aşağılara düşürdü ki — bu sırada benim kendim de babamın emeklerini paylaşıyordum3 —, Atina’ya haraç ödemek ve Thebes’e boyun eğmek yerine,4 şimdi onların varolma haklarını kendi paylarına bizden kazanmaları gerekiyor. Peloponez’e geçerek, oradaki herşeyi düzene soktu ve Perslere karşı savaş için Yunanistan’ın geri kalanının yüksek komutanı yapıldığı zaman, bunun onurunu yalnızca kendi için değil, ama Makedonya halkı için kazandı.

“Babamın sizlere sunduğu tüm bu soylu hizmetler kendi başlarına görüldüklerinde gerçekten de büyüktürler. Gene de, benimkilerle karşılaştırıldıklarında küçüktürler. Babamdan birkaç altın ve gümüş kupa, ve hazinesindeki altmış talentlik parayı kalıt aldım. Ve Filip’in borçları beş yüz talent kadardı.5 Kendim bu yüke ek olarak sekiz yüz talentlik bir borç daha aldım ve size doğru dürüst bakamayacak denli yoksul bir ülkeden yürüyerek sizin için tek bir vuruşta, ve Perslerin deniz üstünlüğü karşısında, Hellespont’un kapılarını açtım. Süvarim Darius’un satraplarını ezdi, ve İyonya’yı, Aeolia’yı, aşağı ve yukarı Frigyaları ve Lydia’yı imparatorluğunuza kattım. Miletos’u kuşatma yoluyla dize getirdim. Öteki kentler tümü de kendi istekleriyle boyun eğdiler, onları aldım ve meyvalarını toplamanız için size verdim. Mısır ve Kyrene’nin tek bir damla kan akıtmadan kazandığım varsıllıkları şimdi sizin elinizdedir. Filistin ve Suriye’nin ovaları ve Nehirler arasındaki Ülke şimdi sizin mülkünüzdür. Babil ve Baktria ve Susa sizindir; Lydia’nın altınının, İran’ın hazinesinin, Hindistan’ın varsıllığının efendileri sizlersiniz — evet, ve Hindistan’ın ötesindeki denizin de. Sizler benim yüzbaşılarım, generallerim, valilerimsiniz.

“Sizin için tüm bu çabalarımdan bana geriye bu kaftandan ve bu taçtan başka ne kaldı? Kendim için hiçbirşey almadım. Hiç kimse sizin bu iyeliklerinizden ve gelecekte kullanmanız için saklanmakta olanlardan ayrı olarak benim hazinelerimi gösteremez. Çünkü sizin yediğiniz aynı yemeği yediğime, sizin uyuduğunuz aynı uykuyu uyuduğuma göre, niçin kendime birşeyler ayırayım? Oh, gene de aranızda kendilerine ziyafetler çeken kimileriyle aynı yemeği yediğimi sanmıyorum. Ve dahası, yataklarınızda rahat uyumanız için sizden önce uyandığımı biliyorum.1

10. “Belki de diyeceksiniz ki, komutanınız olduğum için, kazandığımı benim adıma kazanmak için katlanmak zorunda kaldığınız zahmetlerin ve sıkıntıların hiç birini çekmedim. Ama aranızda benim için benim onun için çektiğimden daha çok acı çektiğini duyumsayan var mı? Haydi, eğer yaralandıysanız, soyunun ve yaralarınızı gösterin, ve ben de göstereceğim. Bedenimde sırtımdan başka yara izi taşımayan hiçbir yerim kalmadı. Yakın döğüşte kullanılan ya da uzaktan fırlatılan hiç bir silah yoktur ki, izini taşımıyor olayım. Göğüs göğüse döğüşte kılıçla yaralandım. Oklarla delindim. Mancınıktan gelen taşlar bedenimi ezdi. Birçok kez sapan taşlarının ve sopa vuruşlarının hedefi oldum. Ve tümü de sizin şanınız, sizin gönenciniz için.2 Her toprakta, her denizde, her nehirde, dağda ve ovada utkulu bir ordu olarak size dünyanın sonuna dek önderlik ettim. Sizin evlendiğiniz gibi evlendim, ve birçoklarınızın benim çocuklarımla kan bağı olan çocukları olacak. Kimilerinizin borçları vardı, ve bunların nasıl oluştuğuna burnumu sokmadan, ve iyi maaşlar almanıza ve kuşatma sonrası yağmalardan paylarınıza düşenlere bakmadan, onları ödedim. Çoğunuza sizin yürekliliğinizin ve benim saygımın hiçbir zaman yok olmayacak anıları olarak altın halkalar verdim.3 Ve savaşta kim öldüyse, ölümü şanlı ve cenaze törenleri görkemli oldu. Hemen hemen tümünün anısına yurtlarında bronz yontular dikildi. Anne ve babaları saygı görüyor ve tüm hizmetlerden ve vergilerden bağışık tutuldular.4 Çünkü benim önderliğim altında, aranızda tek bir adam bile düşmana sırtı dönük ölmedi. “Ve şimdi bundan böyle seferler için uygun olmayanları geri göndermeye karar vermiştim — ülkedeki herkesin haset ve hayranlığı için.

Ama hepiniz beni bırakmak istediğinize göre, öyleyse hepiniz gidin! Ve yurdunuza ulaştığınızda, onlara Persleri ve Medleri, Baktrialıları ve Sakaları yenen, Uxialıları, Arakhotialıları, Drangialıları ezen, Parthia’yı, Khorasmia’yı, Kaspian Denizi’ne dek Hyrkania’yı imparatorluğuna katan, Kaspian Kapılarının ötesinde Kafkasları geçen, Oxus ve Tanais nehirlerini geçen, evet, ondan önce Dionysos’tan başka hiç kimsenin geçmediği İndus’u ve ayrıca Hydaspes’i, Akesines’i ve Hydraotes’i geçen, ve eğer korkmamış olsaydınız Hyfasis’i de geçecek olan, İndus’un iki ağzından Hint Okyanusu’na açılan ve daha önce hiçbir ordunun ayak basmadığı Gedrosia Çölünü aşan, yürüyüş hattındaki Karmania’yı ve Oreitanların ülkesini ele geçiren, gemileri okyanusta Hindistan’dan Pers Körfezi’ne yelken açtıkları zaman sizin tarafınızdan Susa’ya geri getirilen — tüm bunları yapan Kralınız İskender’i terk ettiğinizi ve onu yenmiş olduğunuz barbar kabilelerin eline bıraktığınızı söyleyin. Böyle haberler emin olun ki size bu dünyada şan ve gökte ödüller kazandıracaktır. Çekilin gözümün önünden!”

İdea Yayınevi



The Conquests of Alexander the Great / Every Month

The Conquests of Alexander the Great / Every Month (LINK)

EmperorTigerstar. Published on 11 Feb 2016.


Il sogno di Alessandro

Il sogno di Alessandro (LINK)



Diadochi and the Hellenistic Period—World History—Khan Academy

Diadochi and the Hellenistic Period — World History — Khan Academy (LINK)



Alexander the Great takes power — World History — Khan Academy

Alexander the Great takes power — World History — Khan Academy (LINK)



Alexander the Great conquers Persia—World History—Khan Academy

Alexander the Great conquers Persia — World History — Khan Academy (LINK)



Alexander the Great — Battle of the Hydaspes 326 BC

Alexander the Great — Battle of the Hydaspes 326 BC (LINK)



The History of Anatolia Every Year

The History of Anatolia Every Year (LINK)



The History of Europe: / Every Year

The History of Europe / Every Year (LINK)




History of Europe (3000 BC - 2015 AD)

History of Europe (3000 BC - 2015 AD) (LINK)




History of Europe (1-2016) / Every year

History of Europe (1-2016) / Every year (LINK)



The History of European Monarchs Part 1 (1000-1499)

The History of European Monarchs Part 1 (1000-1499) (LINK)

It pleases me seeing Islam decline in Spain throughout the video.

Excellent! I look forward to seeing Emperor's half.

Why isn't the house of Osman recalled? They held an Empire which spanned threee continents under their name.

Just a mistake I noticed, the Byzantine dynasty after the re-establishment of the Empire is Palaiologos, not Palailogos.

The borders of the Angevin territories in France during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years' War are absolutely mistaken. The English monarchs lost most of Guyenne during the reign of Charles V of France and then Henry V of England conquered northern France in 1415-1422.



The History of European Monarchs Part 2 (1500-2016)

The History of European Monarchs Part 2 (1500-2016) (LINK)

Remember this video shows the kingdoms, empires, and archdukes (AKA Austria), and not the plain principalities, grand duchies, and duchies.

I think its sad how there's almost no monarchies left in Europe; it's basically a big part of our history and culture having been removed over the last 100 years.

I feel bad for people who are direct descendents of once powerful houses now living in republics. Imagine being a von Habsburg and being broke as shit living in Austria.

Thanks for the video Emperor. I spotted two details :

  • - the House of Habsburg ceased to exist in 1780 after the death of Maria Theresa of Habsburg. Their legacy was claimed by the branch of the House of Lorraine known as the House of Habsburg-Lorraine (whose members are not Habsburgs by strict definition).
  • - since 1964 the Capetians are the reigning house of Luxembourg, with the name of House of Nassau from their maternal ancestry.


The History of Eastern Europe Every Year

The History of Eastern Europe Every Year (LINK)



The History of Northern Europe / Every Year

The History of Northern Europe / Every Year (LINK)

I find it amazing how the norse, once labeled as “barbarian” people, whose vikings once raided and pillaged anywhere they could reach, managed to create the countries with the highest HDI on the planet.

Very interesting. I didn't know Scandinavia had states far back in 300 CE.

Now slowly becoming a kebab.

We think of you Scandinavians as friends, but historically you really did just try to kill each other over and over for centuries.



The History of Western Europe / Every Year

The History of Western Europe / Every Year (LINK)

I wonder how Ollie Bye was able to make this wonderful history video. Your works are so fantastic!

You accidentally had the four allied zones of Berlin still appearing past 1948. And the Czechoslovakian split was 1993, not 1992. Good video though.

Absolutely brilliant!

I love how Netherlands is taking territory from the fuckin ocean.

Absolute chaos when Napoleonic Wars occured.

It is a good work. But, the next time, please, You must put the Iberian penisula, the Scandinavia, Scotia and Ireland, south Italy...because, else this countries did part of the Wester Europe.


History of Europe and North Africa / Every Year

History of Europe and North Africa / Every Year (LINK)



The Countries of EUROPE at Their GREATEST extent

The Countries of EUROPE at Their GREATEST extent (LINK)



Changing the Map of Europe Back to 1815

Changing the Map of Europe Back to 1815 (LINK)



The Thirty Years’ War / Every Fortnight

The Thirty Years’ War / Every Fortnight (LINK)

Here we see the progression of the Thirty Years' War from the Bohemian Revolt in 1618 to the final Peace of Westphalia in 1648.

Terrific video! It clearly took a lot of work! I like how you included the English Civil War.

Why does the Ottoman Empire just keep ducking in and out of the war?

This was one of the most horrible, most cruel, longest, depressing, unhuman, torturingly murderous, destructive, religious-fanatic and power-hungry wars I've ever read about. I pity all the (mostly innocent) Germans who died horrible and useless deaths in this war... and of course all other non-Germans as well. Even many leaders weren't spared. I'm warning everybody, reading about this war makes one almost lose faith in humanity.

The cruelty and brutality of the Thirty Years War should serve as a reminder of the horrors religious zealotry can create.

France be like: I don't like protestants, but I hate Habsburgs more.

Many british say that the Spaniards ceased to be a power after spanish armada (1588), however, in 1636 (2:10) the Spaniards were at the gates of Paris.

In a way, the Protestants did win this war. Their main goal was to get the Holy Roman Emperor to accept that they were not Catholics anymore and stop trying to convert them back. They got their wish at the Peace of Westphalia. The French also accomplished their goal of drastically weakening the Habsburgs and becoming one of the greatest European Powers.

"The thirty years war" or "Spain vs the world".

7th century: Spain vs all, 18th century: France vs all, 19th century: England vs all, 20th century: Germany vs all, 21th centruy: USA/Russia vs all?


3800 Jahre Mitteleuropa im Zeitraffer

3800 Jahre Mitteleuropa im Zeitraffer (LINK)

Jede einzelne veränderung war mit Krieg , mord und totschlag verbunden. Dumme Menschheit :(

FEHLER! Österreich war nicht beim Warschauer Pakt!

Tolles Video. Die Grenzen zwischen der BRD und der DDR sind allerdings falsch.

Die Geschichte Nordeuropas wird über weite Strecken einfach ignoriert. Offensichtlich hat dort niemand gelebt und Staaten gab es dort auch keine. Außerdem lernen wir, dass Österreich bis 1985 von der Sowjetunion besetzt wurde. Tatsächlich endete die teilweise Besatzung Österreichs bereits 1955, danach war Österreich neutral.



Die Grenzen Europas 1000-2013

Die Grenzen Europas 1000-2013 (LINK)

.Respekt an die Polen...wie sie sich immer wieder ihr Land zurückgeholt haben...

Danke für Deutschland Otto Bismarck!

Warum ist Königsberg Russisch 😢, das gehört zu Deutschland oder ein eigener deutschsprachiger Staat,

Wird es jetzt der trend sein englische videos einfach mit deutschem titel hochzuladen und dann noch nicht mal den Ersteller zu erwähnen?


The Rise and Fall of Austria or the Habsburg Empire (Österreich)

The Rise and Fall of Austria or the Habsburg Empire (Österreich) (LINK)



The History of the Balkan Peninsula

The History of the Balkan Peninsula (LINK)



The Balkan Wars 1912-1913 / Every Day

The Balkan Wars 1912-1913 / Every Day (LINK)



The History of the Balkans / Every Year

The History of the Balkans / Every Year (LINK)




The Rulers of Europe / Every Year

The Rulers of Europe / Every Year (LINK)



History of France (987-2016) / Every Year

History of France (987-2016) / Every Year (LINK)

You forgot French Algeria which were considered main land France from 1848 to 1962.

2 dates of birth for France : 496 and the baptism of Clovis who saw the birth the Frankish/French monarchy, and of the Frankish kingdoms who were the nucleus of France. And 843, the treaty of Verdun who split the Empire of Charlemagne. The western part became France and the state is in continual existence from that date. 987 is not a birthdate, it is just a change dynasty. But the institutions were the same.

It's quite false from 1940 to 1942 and from 1942 to 1944 : the part you suppressed and let in blank should just have been put in light green, because it was still France, with french administration, police, justice, etc., but with german gardianship. It's only right for Alsace and north-east of Lorraine, who were (illegally) part of Germany during WWII. I understand that French status during WWII is quite hard to understand, because even for French, it is hard. But it's a situation different of total annexion, and not completely free neither. But you know, quite a big part of French State of Vichy laws are still in application today !



History of the French Colonial Empire

History of the French Colonial Empire (LINK)




The History of France / Every Year

The History of France / Every Year (LINK)



Rise of the French Royal Domain

Rise of the French Royal Domain (LINK)



The Napoleonic Wars / Every Other Day

The Napoleonic Wars / Every Other Day (LINK)

The Napoleonic Wars were a series of separate conflicts that took place between 1803 and 1815. They are considered one of the most important in European history. This video shows the changing front lines of the conflict, every two days.

I have to say that France was the one who declared war to Spain. The French armies were suppossed to march to Portugal via the Burgos route, but they began marching into towns as far as Zaragoza. Later in 1808, Ferdinand, the son of Charles III of Spain made a coup (Aranjuez Mutiny). Seeing that there was no resolution on that, Napoleon convocated both of them at Bayonne, where Ferdinand abdicated in Charles, and Charles abdicated in Joseph, Napoleon's brother. However, there were members of the royal family in Madrid, and when the French forces entered Madrid and kidnapped the young prince, the Spaniards attacked the French (2 of May uprising).


The history of the Netherlands / Every Year

The history of the Netherlands / Every Year (LINK)



History of the Germans

History of the Germans (LINK)



History of Germany Every year

History of Germany Every year (LINK)



The History of German Empire / Every Month

The History of German Empire / Every Month (LINK)



The Unifications of Germany and Italy / Every Day

The Unifications of Germany and Italy / Every Day (LINK)



The History of Georgia

The History of Georgia (LINK)



History of Georgia [1300BC-2018AD] Every Year

History of Georgia [1300BC-2018AD] Every Year (LINK)



The History of the Greeks

The History of the Greeks (LINK)



The House of Habsburg

The House of Habsburg (LINK)



Rise and Fall of the Danish Empire

Rise and Fall of the Danish Empire (LINK)



Rise and Fall of the Dutch Empire (v2)

Rise and Fall of the Dutch Empire (v2) (LINK)


Lets take back what is ours! Lets save Belgium from that disgusting French influence.

Such small country with such much power only had been stopped by the greatest land power with the size over 20 times as that of Holland.

Dutch East Indies (Now Indonesia)

The dutch is More friendly rather the japanese.

In 2021 we gonna claim Belgium and Luxembourg.

Dutch thought for themselves that they are descendant of batavians,a germanic tribe.Lotharingia is irrelevant.

Does anyone know The Netherlands made New York? First was it named: New Amsterdam.


The Holy Roman Empire / Every State, Every Year

The Holy Roman Empire / Every State, Every Year (LINK)



Hungarian Revolution of 1848

Hungarian Revolution of 1848 (LINK)

Long live srpska Vojvodina and all the other slavic movements who assisted in the defeat of Hungary.

Stupid Russia, if he didn't support Austria, Austria would collapse and so there wasn't no World War 1 and if there wasn't World War 1, there wasn't World War 2.


History of Hungary / Every Year

History of Hungary / Every Year (LINK)



The Rise and Fall of the Hunnic Empire / Every Year

The Rise and Fall of the Hunnic Empire / Every Year (LINK)




The History of Iberia / Every Year

The History of Iberia / Every Year (LINK)



The History of the British Isles / Every Year

The History of the British Isles / Every Year (LINK)



History of Bulgaria / Every Year

History of Bulgaria / Every Year (LINK)



The Rise and Fall of the Bulgarian Empire

The Rise and Fall of the Bulgarian Empire (LINK)



Rise and Fall of the British Empire (v2)

Rise and Fall of the British Empire (v2) (LINK)



History of Italy (477-2017)

History of Italy (477-2017) (LINK)



History of the Italians

History of the Italians (LINK)




Italian Civil war [1943-1945]

Italian Civil war [1943-1945] (LINK)



Map of Ottoman Empire (1300-1920 [+ today])

Map of Ottoman Empire (1300-1920 [+ today]) (LINK)



History of Poland / Every Year

History of Poland / Every Year (LINK)




History of Poland 1635-2016

History of Poland 1635-2016 (LINK)



History of Prussia / Every Year

History of Prussia / Every Year (LINK)



The Rise and Fall of Prussia (Preußen)

The Rise and Fall of Prussia (Preußen) (LINK)



Rise and Fall of the Portuguese Empire (v2)

Rise and Fall of the Portuguese Empire (v2) (LINK)



Roman Empire (Better Version in Description)

Roman Empire (Better Version in Description) (LINK)



The History of the Romans / Every Year

The History of the Romans / Every Year (LINK)



Animated Maps of the Roman / Empire Audio Narration / The Map as History

Animated Maps of the Roman Empire / Audio Narration (LINK)



The History of Romania / Every Year

The History of Romania / Every Year (LINK)



History of Russia / Every Year

History of Russia / Every Year (LINK)



History of Russia [882- 2018] / Every Year

History of Russia [882- 2018] / Every Year (LINK)



Rise and Fall of the Russian Empire (v2)

Rise and Fall of the Russian Empire (v2) (LINK)




The Russian Civil War / Every Other Day

The Russian Civil War / Every Other Day (LINK)



The Russo-Japanese War

The Russo-Japanese War (LINK)



The Russo-Japanese War / Every Day

The Russo-Japanese War / Every Day (LINK)



History of Serbia / Every Year

History of Serbia / Every Year (LINK)



History of Serbia and Bulgaria [681-1496]

History of Serbia and Bulgaria [681-1496] (LINK)



History of the Slavs / Every Year

History of the Slavs / Every Year (LINK)



Early Western Slavic History

Early Western Slavic History (LINK)



Early Slavic History / Origins

Early Slavic History / Origins (LINK)



The Soviet Union / Every Year

The Soviet Union / Every Year (LINK)



Spanish Civil War / Every Day

Spanish Civil War / Every Day (LINK)

. General Franco In Barcelona (1939) (LINK)


Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire

Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire (LINK)



The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire

The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire (LINK)



History of Sweden / Every Year

History of Sweden / Every Year (LINK)



Rise and Fall of the Swedish Empire

Rise and Fall of the Swedish Empire (LINK)



History of Switzerland / Every Year

History of Switzerland / Every Year (LINK)



The History of Ottoman Empire / Every Year

The History of Ottoman Empire / Every Year (LINK)



Ottoman Empire (Better version in description)

Ottoman Empire (Better version in description) (LINK)



Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire

Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire (LINK)



History of Turkey / Every Year

History of Turkey / Every Year (LINK)



The Turkish War of Independence / Every Day

The Turkish War of Independence / Every Day (LINK)



The Turkish Wars of Independence / Every Day

The Turkish Wars of Independence / Every Day (LINK)



The Russo-Turkish War (1828-1829)

The Russo-Turkish War (1828-1829) (LINK)



The Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) / Every Day

The Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) / Every Day (LINK)



The Russo-Turkish Wars

The Russo-Turkish Wars (LINK)



History of U.S.S.R. / Every Year

History of U.S.S.R. / Every Year (LINK)



U.S.S.R. History (1922-1991) AND Russia F. (1991-2017)

U.S.S.R. History (1922-1991) AND Russia F. (1991-2017) (LINK)



Ancient Macedonia

Ancient Macedonia (LINK)



Conquests of Alexander the Great (336-323)

Conquests of Alexander the Great (336-323) (LINK)



Empire of Alexander the Great

Empire of Alexander the Great (LINK)

EmperorTigerstar. Published on 18 Aug 2011.

Your information is totally wrong in 326 BC Alexander came to taxila And conquered Indian Subcontinent. How he dies in 323 BC?


Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek Kingdoms

Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek Kingdoms (LINK)



Hellenistic Greece

Hellenistic Greece (LINK)



History of Macedonia, part 1, the rise of Macedonia

History of Macedonia, part 1, the rise of Macedonia (LINK)



History of Macedonia, part 2, the Wars of Diadochi

History of Macedonia, part 2, the Wars of Diadochi (LINK)



History of Macedonia, part 3, Antigonid Macedonia

History of Macedonia, part 3, Antigonid Macedonia (LINK)



Ptolemaic Kingdom

Ptolemaic Kingdom (LINK)



The Conquests of Alexander the Great / Every Month

The Conquests of Alexander the Great / Every Month (LINK)



The Rise and Fall of the Indo-Greeks

The Rise and Fall of the Indo-Greeks (LINK)



The Rise and Fall of the Macedonian Empire

The Rise and Fall of the Macedonian Empire (LINK)





The Germanic tribes, particularly the Vandals, dealt a more fatal blow to the Western Roman Empire.

Europe after the Fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD.


Barbarians / The Alans

Barbarians / The Alans (LINK)



Barbarians / The Avars

Barbarians / The Avars (LINK)



Barbarians / The Burgundians

Barbarians / The Burgundians (LINK)



Barbarians / The Goths

Barbarians / The Goths (LINK)

The Germanic tribes, particularly the Vandals, dealt a more fatal blow to the Western Roman Empire.


Barbarians / The Huns

Barbarians / The Huns (LINK)



Barbarians / The Lombards

Barbarians / The Lombards (LINK)



Barbarians / The Suevi

Barbarians / The Suevi (LINK)



Barbarians / The Vandals

Barbarians / The Vandals (LINK)



The Rise and Fall of the Frankish Empire

The Rise and Fall of the Frankish Empire (LINK)

The Germanic tribe known as the Franks established and ruled the Frankish Empire from the fifth through the tenth century in the ancient territory of Gaul (encompassing portions of modern-day France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands). The Carolingian Empire refers to the rule of the Carolingian dynasty, which ruled the Frankish Empire during the Early Middle Ages from 800 to 888 CE. During its period of domination the Frankish Empire, spanning parts of present-day France and Germany, had two monastic dynasties, the Carolingian being the second and most influential one.

The Carolingian Empire ruled the Frankish state in one form or another through the early tenth century. The Frankish Empire under the rule of the Carolingian dynasty was one of the most powerful empires in Western Europe during the Early Middle Ages. Today the Carolingian Empire is considered to be the precursor to the modern states of France and Germany, as well as the historical
forerunner to the Holy Roman Empire,


Expansion of the Ottoman Empire

Expansion of the Ottoman Empire (LINK)



Fall of Constantinople / Reply History

Fall of Constantinople / Reply History (LINK)



History of [Ottoman Empire and] Turkey / Every Year

History of [Ottoman Empire and] Turkey / Every Year (LINK)



Ottoman and Venetian Rule in Greece (1453-1821)

Ottoman and Venetian Rule in Greece (1453-1821) (LINK)



Ottoman Invasion of Italy

Ottoman Invasion of Italy (LINK)



Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire

Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire (LINK)



The Campaigns of Muhammad Ali of Egypt

The Campaigns of Muhammad Ali of Egypt (LINK)



The Crimean War / Every Week

The Crimean War / Every Week (LINK)



The Great Turkish War / Every Five Days

The Great Turkish War / Every Five Days (LINK)



The Greco-Turkish War

The Greco-Turkish War (LINK)



The Italo-Turkish War / Every Day

The Italo-Turkish War / Every Day (LINK)



The Liberation of the Balkan Peoples from the Ottomans

The Liberation of the Balkan Peoples from the Ottomans (LINK)



The Ottoman-Mamluk War (1516-1517) / Every Fortnight

The Ottoman-Mamluk War (1516-1517) / Every Fortnight (LINK)



The Young Turks Revolution / Every Day

The Young Turks Revolution / Every Day (LINK)



(DOC) Did the OTTOMANS nearly CONQUER ITALY? / KJ Vids




(DOC) Ottoman-Venetian War

(DOC) Ottoman-Venetian War (LINK)



(DOC) Ottoman Empire vs Great Britain (Anglo-Turkish War 1807)

(DOC) Ottoman Empire vs Great Britain (Anglo-Turkish War 1807) (LINK)



(DOC) Ten Minute History / The Rise of the Ottoman Empire

(DOC) Ten Minute History / The Rise of the Ottoman Empire (LINK)



(DOC) Ten Minute History / The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Birth of the Balkans

(DOC) Ten Minute History / The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Birth of the Balkans (LINK)



(DOC) The Rise Of The Ottoman Empire

(DOC) The Rise Of The Ottoman Empire (LINK)



(DOC) When the Ottoman Caliphate Saved Britain

(DOC) When the Ottoman Caliphate Saved Britain (LINK)



(DOC) Battle of Ankara 1402 / Ottoman-Timurid War

(DOC) Battle of Ankara / 1402 Ottoman-Timurid War (LINK)



(DOC) Battle of Varna 1444 / Ottoman Civil War — Crusade

(DOC) Battle of Varna 1444 / Ottoman Civil War — Crusade (LINK)



(DOC) Fall Of Constantinople 1453 / Ottoman Wars

(DOC) Fall Of Constantinople 1453 / Ottoman Wars (LINK)



How an OTTOMAN Sultan Helped Ireland During the Great FAMINE?

How an OTTOMAN Sultan Helped Ireland During the Great FAMINE? (LINK)

.The Great Famine in the mid-19th century was one of the most devastating events in Irish history.

Between 1845 and 1852, potato blight hit the island’s potato crop. The potato was a staple item of food in Ireland. A lack of good harvesting led to mass starvation, disease, and the deaths of nearly a million people.

One of the unexpected sources of aid in this crisis was the Ottoman Caliphate. Sultan Abdul Majeed I the First, went out of his way to try to help so he could ease the suffering of the Irish people.

Sultan Abdul Majeed was only 23 years old in 1847 when he personally offered £10,000 in aid to Ireland, but he had already ruled the Caliphate for nearly ten years.

In that time, he earned the admiration of many of his own subjects and others around the world. But this time he would have to scale back his generosity.

British diplomats advised him that it would be offensive for anyone to offer more than Queen Victoria, who had only donated £2,000.

It was suggested that he should donate half of that amount, so he gave £1,000.

The Sultan’s donation was appreciated by the public in Britain and Ireland as well. One English religious journal published an article titled “A Benevolent Sultan” in which the author wrote,

“For the first time a Mohammedan sovereign, representing multitudinous Islamic populations, manifests spontaneously a warm sympathy with a Christian nation. May such sympathies, in all the genial charities of a common humanity, be cultivated and henceforth ever be maintained between the followers of the crescent and the cross!”

The press also blamed the British diplomats in Constantinople for rejecting the initial donation of £10,000 just to avoid embarrassing Queen Victoria.

Meanwhile, Sultan Abdul Majeed had found other ways to help.

Today, the port town of Drogheda in Ireland includes a crescent and a star, both of which are symbols of Islam, in its coat of arms.

Local tradition in the town has it that these symbols were adopted after the Ottoman Empire secretly sent five ships loaded with food to the town in May 1847.

The reason for the secrecy is that the British administration had allegedly tried to block the ships from entering Drogheda’s harbor. Evidence that story these claims include newspaper articles from the period and a letter from Irish notables explicitly thanking the sultan for his help.

The nationalist Irish Freeman’s Journal celebrated these efforts. “The conduct of Abdul Majeed on the occasion referred to,” the author wrote, “was that of a good, humane, and generous man. A believer in Mohammedanism, he acted in the true spirit of a follower of Christ, and set an example which many professing Christians would do well to imitate.”

Though Abdul Majeed probably hadn’t expected any kind of returns on his aid to the Irish, some of them rallied to his side in 1854, just two years after the famine ended.

Britain had become involved in the Crimean War to defend Ottoman territory against an expanding Russian Empire.

In addition to Irish nurses and engineers (and some of the first war journalists in history), about 30,000 Irish soldiers served in the war.

Despite the suffering that they and their families had endured during the Great Famine, they were noticed to be serving enthusiastically in defense of the territory of the sultan who had helped them in their time of need.


Ottoman Sultans Family Tree (1299-1922)

Ottoman Sultans Family Tree (1299-1922) (LINK)



What if the Ottoman Empire Reunited Today?

What if the Ottoman Empire Reunited Today? (LINK)



Why did The Ottoman Empire Collapse?

Why did The Ottoman Empire Collapse? (LINK)



Why did the Ottoman Sultans Kill their Brothers?

Why did the Ottoman Sultans Kill their Brothers? (LINK)



AI KHANOUM / Hellenistic City in Afghanistan

AI KHANOUM / Hellenistic City in Afghanistan (LINK)



AI KHAONUM / A Hellenistic City on the Bank of River Oxus in Afghanistan

AI KHAONUM / A Hellenistic City on the Bank of River Oxus in Afghanistan (LINK)


Alexander the Great (All Parts)

Alexander the Great (All Parts) (LINK)



Hellenic Macedonia

Hellenic Macedonia (LINK)



Hellenism In the East / Indo-Greeks & The Thousand Cities of Bactria

Hellenism In the East / Indo-Greeks & The Thousand Cities of Bactria (LINK)




Rise & Fall of Macedonian Empire (Alexander the Great)

Rise & Fall of Macedonian Empire (Alexander the Great) (LINK)



The Macedonian Phalanx / Structure and Organization

The Macedonian Phalanx / Structure and Organization (LINK)



What Happened to the Greek Settlers in Ancient India and Pakistan?

What Happened to the Greek Settlers in Ancient India and Pakistan? (LINK)



Why did the Macedonian Empire Collapse?

Why did the Macedonian Empire Collapse? (LINK)



The Austro-Prussian War

The Austro-Prussian War (LINK)



The Austro-Prussian War / Every Day

The Austro-Prussian War / Every Day (LINK)



The Collapse of Austria-Hungary / Every Day

The Collapse of Austria-Hungary / Every Day (LINK)



The Rise and Fall of Austria and Prussia

The Rise and Fall of Austria and Prussia (LINK)



War of the Spanish Succession [France, Austuria] / Every Week

War of the Spanish Succession [France, Austuria] / Every Week (LINK)



Austrian Empire ( Austria-Hungary)

Austrian Empire (Austria-Hungary) (LINK)



Rise and Fall of the Austrian Empire

Rise and Fall of the Austrian Empire (LINK)



Rise and Fall of Burgundy

Rise and Fall of Burgundy (LINK)



History of Germany [and Austuria] / Every Year

History of Germany [and Austuria] / Every Year (LINK)



Brandenburg and Prussia

Brandenburg and Prussia (LINK)



Brandenburg and Prussia ( Version 2.0)

Brandenburg and Prussia (Version 2.0) (LINK)



German Confederation and German Unification

German Confederation and German Unification (LINK)



German Unification / 3 Minute History

German Unification / 3 Minute History (LINK)




Hanover (LINK)



History of Germany (1816-2018)

History of Germany (1816-2018) (LINK)



History of Prussia — Part One

History of Prussia — Part One (LINK)



History of Prussia/Germany

History of Prussia/Germany (LINK)



How did Prussia Unify Germany German Unification — Explained in 10 Minutes

How did Prussia Unify Germany German Unification — Explained in 10 Minutes (LINK)



Prussian History — Part I, Beginnings in Brandenburg

Prussian History — Part I, Beginnings in Brandenburg (LINK)



Ten Minute History — German Unification and Empire (Short Documentary)

Ten Minute History — German Unification and Empire (Short Documentary) (LINK)



Ten Minute History — The Austro-Hungarian Empire (Short Documentary)

Ten Minute History — The Austro-Hungarian Empire (Short Documentary) (LINK)



The Franco-Prussian War / Every Day

The Franco-Prussian War / Every Day (LINK)



The Territorial Changes of Germany After World War I

The Territorial Changes of Germany After World War I (LINK)



War of the Austrian Succession / Every Other Day

War of the Austrian Succession [Austuria, Prussia] / Every Other Day (LINK)



Seleucid Empire

Seleucid Empire (LINK)



The Seleucid Empire

The Seleucid Empire (LINK)



The Macedonian Empire in Asia From the Diadochi to Bactria

The Macedonian Empire in Asia From the Diadochi to Bactria (LINK)





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